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Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie 

adrenaline junkie

editorial storyteller

I'm the art kid that craved creativity, the high school graduate who got a camera and fell in love, the college student who didn't know if her dream would be possible, and the wedding photographer who eventually realized that it was. I'm someone who realized long ago that I didn't want to waste my life doing anything I didn't love, and instead stumbled upon the thing that fills my entire heart and soul more than anything: photography. 

Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie

Meet Romina

feeling inspired?

Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie Wedding photographer, full-time lover of love, part-time spontaneous adrenaline junkie 

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